If you are a foreign player who needs an invitation in order to obtain a visa, please write to our Invitations Director at GoAtChess.US (use the "@" symbol in place of "At.")


Titled player conditions appear in the publicity for each tournament at, and in Chess Life magazine.

For most tournaments there is no entry fee for GMs that must be paid in advance, but an entry fee is deducted from any prize. 
For some tournaments IMs and WGMs are also free with fee from prize. When this is the case it is mentioned in the tournament publicity.

A few tournaments offer additional conditions:

2014 DC International (June 26-30, Arlington VA):
A minimum prize will be offered to some foreign GMs and IMs. Details will be posted soon.

2014 Continental Class (Oct 8-13, Arlington VA):
A minimum prize will be offered to some foreign GMs and IMs. Details will be posted about April or May.

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